Mom's Sweet Orange Scones

Mom's Sweet Orange Scones

 When I was a little girl, sometimes I would wake up on Saturday Mornings to the smell of baking. Some days my mom baked these delicious biscuits. All I knew about them was that they tasted delicious and they were made with orange juice. Recently I asked my mom how she made those. She gave me the recipe and it couldn't have been more simple and I thought they would taste great as scones instead of biscuits so I set off to make them with Sticky Fingers Bakeries Scones.

Basically my mom took orange juice, dipped in a sugar cube and then pressed it into each biscuit. So I took Sticky Fingers Bakeries Original Scones and did the same thing! This would be really good with Wild Blueberry Scones or even Tart Cherry Scones too.

So here is how you make it!


  • 1 bag of Sticky Fingers Bakeries Original Scones
  • 12-18 sugar cubes (depending on how large you make your scones)
  • 1/2 cup of Orange Juice (I like Fresh Squeezed)
  • 2/3 cup of Water


  1. In a medium mixing bowl mix together water and scone mix (per bag instructions)
  2. Spoon out scone dough onto baking sheet (drop or circle scones work best for this one)
  3. Dip Sugar cube in orange juice for a couple seconds, remove from orange juice and push into the middle of scone. Repeat for all scones
  4. Bake scones per instructions on the bag
  5. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a couple minutes

 I found my new favorite way to eat Original Scones! Additionally you can add a little more orange juice drizzled on before placing in the oven. I can't wait to make these as surprise breakfast for my children one day!



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